Saturday, April 17, 2010

Real Estate News This Week

The week started out with "National Open House Weekend", the first ever initiated by the National Association of REALTORS.  High actively levels were reported by every agent I talked to!  I held one listing open on Saturday and one on Sunday, and am pleased to tell you that as a direct result of the Open House Activities, I am currently negotiating a contract on one of the listings!

The week was somewhat slow as news bites go... or maybe I was just distracted... too busy doing work, not enough time to talk or read about it....  But there were a few headlines I saw that I wanted to share:

Mortgage Deduction Appreciation Day:  April 15th, otherwise known as tax day, is known in the Real Estate World as
Mortgage Deduction Appreciation Day.  Along those lines, here's a story from the National Association of REALTORS about the threat of changing laws regarding that deduction:

Thanks to all who took action to ensure Congress renewed the Flood Insurance program!  Can you imagine having a home in a flood plain and suddenly being unable to obtain insurance?  Read the story Here:

A friend of mine is doing a blog series on "Living Small" which is the newest architectural trend... (although is examples are of the extreme).  It's fun and quirky... check out his latest post:

That's just about it.... Below you can find a link to Open Houses in Loudoun.  Check them out!

Thinking of buying?  Search online for homes for sale at

Don't for get - to lock in your option to claim the first time home buyer tax credit, you must be under contract by 4/30... and buyers, if you're currently looking and losing in negotiations, consider being a "back up".  Later, you might be glad you did.

Have other real estate questions?
Vicky Chrisner

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