Thursday, December 30, 2010

Because It Is The Thought That Counts!

I just received an email from a client.  I sold an investment home they owned a couple of months ago.  She sent me a lovely card with the kindest words and a gift certificate for dinner out with my family.  I sent an email wishing her and her family happy holidays, thanking her for the gift and card, and asked if she'd like to get together after the first of the year. 

In her response, she mentioned that she was still getting e-cards from her prior property manager..(they parted on less than ideal terms).... "it's nice to know we're still in this thoughts"... she commented sarcastically.  She's not fooled.  She knows that she's in an email list he has that he sends those things to... well, that his assistant sends them to.  He probably doesn't even know he is still sending those things to her.  He may not know he is sending them to anyone.

I look at these automatic email campaigns, and I know that some agents will get your business because they track your email and spam you to death, and I might miss out on your business because I don't.  But, you want to know why I don't?  Because, to me, it is the thought that counts.  Really.  When I send something to you, it is to YOU.  If you're a Facebook Friend my comments are general in nature.  If you have "Liked" my business on Facebook, I send out tips and tidbits there that are for the "likers"... and are general in nature.  But when I am calling you, emailing you, writing you... I am contacting YOU. 

My daughter once described my job to someone.  She said, "My mommy sells houses, helps people and makes new friends."  I love it.  I think all the time about putting that on a business card, but I don't want to cheapen the sentiment.  I do, however, try to approach my business like that EVERY DAY.

So, if you are a "substance over style" kind of person... If you're looking for a REALTOR that truly cares, maybe you should call me..... we might just get along really well.  But if you like mindless emails sent automatically by some server that doesn't have a clue if you are even a real person... well, shoot me an email.  I can provide a list of agents to you that can stick you in their ever precious database.

Vicky Chrisner
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